Sunday, January 29, 2012

Zaycon Foods: Get 93% Lean Beef or Hickory-Smoked Bacon for $2.97/Pound!

If you haven't heard about Zaycon Foods yet, they're awesome. They bring awesome prices on meats to you!

Last month, I got 40 pounds of FRESH, boneless, skinless chicken breasts for $1.69 a pound. That's WAY cheaper than the grocery store, AND the meat is way better quality! Most of their meat is straight from the farm, and has never been frozen.

This month they have 2 awesome deals going on:

Now, that's a lot of meat for most people, so this is a great deal if you have a spare freezer, or have friends that you want to split the cost with.

When I got my chicken, I cooked some right away, then individually bagged the rest and froze it. I'm good on chicken for at least 6 months!

How it works: 

Zaycon Foods sends delivery trucks to different locations for each "event." This month they're having a Beef and Bacon event. You make an order and pick it up at the designated date, time, and location.

They have pick-up locations in just about every state. If you're in central FL, they have pick-ups in Winter Park, Orlando, Deltona, and Daytona.
  • You make your order online by the deadline date for the location you want.
  • On the day and time of the "event" you drive your car up, they check your name off the list of people picking up that day, they lay down garbage bags so nothing spills in your car, they load your meat into your car, then you drive off. You never even have to get out of your car!
  • You enjoy your awesome food!

Check out their website for more details!

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