Monday, January 10, 2011

Decluttering Challenge 2011- Finances Check-in!

I did OK this week.

For food, the only thing I paid for was 2 boxes of Brown Sugar on clearance at Walgreens for 25 cents each. So, I only spent 50 cents this week on food! That leave me $99.50 for the rest of the year.

Now, I will admit that my mom and sister both took me out to lunch this week, and graciously gave me the leftovers, which was great since I had to work a lot last week, BUT I was good in that I didn't do drive-thru and DID plan my meals much better!

In terms of non-food spending, I did spend quite a bit on Office Depot last week ordering tubs and some other items. They were 100% free after rewards (except tax) so I only paid a few dollars in the end, but that WAS money out of pocket.

With all the new tubs, I really hope to work on the HOME part of my challenge this week (especially because I have some friends staying with me this weekend. EEK!)

So, how are you doing on the challenge? Are you eating in more? Watching your spending a bit better? let us know!


  1. Wow. I don't know if I could do what you're doing, for a whole year. I wish you the best of luck! Right now I've only resolved to use coupons on items I actually NEED, not buy just because I have a coupon for it. That was my biggest money waster last year.

  2. I'm horrible about that, too. Now, only if it's free with a coupon, or something I will use, do I use those coupons. The stuff that's free that I don't want I can donate...


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